a hand touching a lake Christina Vaillancourt Registered Psychologist

let's Connect

how it works

step one

Hello and thank you for seeking help! Contact us via our booking link or contact form to inquire about counselling services, and how I may be of help. You can book a complimentary 15 min consultation meeting to see if we are good fit. Just click the BOOK APPOINTMENT button.

step two

Once you book your first session or consultation we will send you an intake package via email so you can feel informed and know what to expect.

step three

Attend your first session, where we will review the paperwork, discuss consent, and explore your rights as a client (i.e. privacy). You can share as much or as little as you like about your concerns and experiences. We hope to help you to create goals for change.

booking & inquiries

To book an appointment click the link below or fill out the short form to book an appointment or make an inquiry. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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